Monday, January 14, 2019

What is Kutakshar and Rules for Kutakshar & compound letters in Ranjana Script

Kutākshar is a monogram of the Ranjana script. It is only one of the Nepalese scripts that can be written in monogram. Ranjana Kutakshar form is written from top to bottom. It is also called Guptakshar. #Kutakshar is written for secret message or mantras. Generally only the person who have written it can read it properly, others may decode it in different way. Though it can be written in anyway secretly, but there are certain rules to write Kutakshar. And lots of rules come from Nepal Lipi, you will have to know the rules of Nepal lipi to understand the rules of Ranjana lipi for joining letters. There is no half form in Ranjana lipi and Nepal lipi, the two letters are combined into 1 letter as compound letter. In case of both raswo + dirgha ikar and ukar, both ikar could be combined, so only Dirgha ikar is sufficient for represent both ikars. We use Matras (Aakar, ikar, ukar, ekar, aikar, ikar and aukar) the common for all or multiple matras. So it would be better to use dirgha form only. We write only aukar even there were ekar, aikar and okar. Similarly it is better to write dirgha ikar and dirgha ukar even there are hraswa Matras. And in case of two raswo ikar, we shall put only one raswo ikar as commonly. Normally vowels (maa-akha) are written separately, However artistically they can be joined to make it look better. Aakar and ikar always comes at last. Ukar is placed at last bottom letter. The next letter is placed below where we put ukar. Rules an Guidelines to write Kutakshar video: MORE RULES OF KUTAKSHAR: कुटाक्षरय् आखः च्वं क्वय् (Top to Bottom) स्वानाः च्वयेगु, आखःग्वः पुवंके बलय् क्वय् निसें च्वय् (Bottom to Top) पुवंकेगु ।
ल्हाः दुगु आखःया ल्हाः आखःसिबें पिहां वइ । ल्हाः दुगु आखलय् क्वय् निसें ल्हाः पिकयाः पुवंकाः च्वयेगु ।
क, ज, क्ष, ज्ञ, र झ, फ, ह आखलय् मेगु आखः चिनेबलय् न्ह्योनेया ध्वलय् आखः चिनेगु व ल्यूनेया ल्हाः पिने सालेगु ।
’ह’ आखलय् मेगु आखः चिनेबलय् ’ह’यागु स्वरुप पाइ अले न्ह्योनेया ल्हातय् चिनेगु, ल्यूनेया ल्हाः पिने सालेगु । कुटाक्षर च्वयेबलय् मा आखः वलधाःसा मा आखलय् मेगु आखः मचिनेगु । मा आखः च्वयेधुंकाः छ्यनंनिसें हे मेगु न्हूगु ध्वः सालाः मेगु आखः च्वयेगु ।
कुटाक्षर च्वयेबलय् दकलय् न्हापां छगः छगः आखः निं पुवंक च्वयेगु, फुक्कं आखः च्वये क्वचायेकाः जक आकार इकार उकार एकार ओकार व औकार आखः च्वये क्वचायेकाः दकले लिपा जक तयेगु ।
कुटाक्षरय् आकार, इकार, उकार, एकार, ओकार व औकार आखःया दथुइ च्वयेगु मखु, ( ा) (आकार ( ी) इकार ( ु ) उकार ( े) एकार, (ो) ओकार, व (ौ) औकारया चिं आखः च्वये क्वचायेकाः दकलय् लिपा आखःया ल्यूने दक्वं आखःया मंकाः कथं छगू हे जक तयेगु ।

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